Friday, December 18, 2015

PLL 4.5.x Reboot

Ok, got a bit of perspective and what I deludely call a stable base to work from.

1) I can compile what I am calling the 4.5.0 codebase.
- This includes the full suite of tools
- This includes the installer projects

* This will install on Windows 7 but crashes in the Player.
* Also needs two changes to the xmlConfig file to turn off the parallel port and set the refresh rate to 60.

Question.  Will this run on XP?

Virtual Machine time.  Nope. Corrupt installer.... some weird dll issue with the crap tools.

Back to the Wix installer... bah.

The next big job is trying to merge the branches to bring this compiling code up to date with the features set in the other branch without merging the unicode crap fest.

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