Monday, March 18, 2013

Build'n Build'n Build'n....

First Build PLL.... warnings about version issues....

Then figure out that all the libs need to be rebuild....

Build CPPUnit....

Rebuild PLL... Same warnings...

Use correct compiler to clean and rebuild CPPUnit....

Build wxWidgets..... (Try to remember why I inflicted wxWidgets on myself?)

Clean and rebuild wxWidgets....

Hand delete .pdb files and rebuild wxWidgets....

There are a bunch of OutputFile property warnings showing up..... do I have the energy to fix or should I just update the whole library with the latest wxWidgets? How much work will that take to integrate into the system?

Download wxWidgets 2.9.4 and convert the solution files just to see...

With that kind of logic I should update all the libs.... Lets see...  Done.

cuppunit is now at 1.13.1.... download and build.... change environment var. Done.

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